- “High Level Policy Dialogue for Indigenous Peoples’ Rights: ILO Conventions 107 and 169 for Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Bangladesh”, funded by ILO, 11 January 2022.
- “High Level Policy Dialogue for Promotion and Protection of Rights of the Ethnic Minorities in Bangladesh” RDC, funded by Human Rights Program, UNDP, Dec 2018 – Nov 2019
- “Combating Discrimination against Ethnic minorities and Excluded Groups: through Right based Advocacy and Right Claiming Actions”, funded by UNDP. Oct 2017 – Sept 2018
- “Promoting Enhanced Participation and Empowerment of Dalit Communities in Bangladesh with an Evidence Base for Realization of Dalit Human Rights and Entitlements”, funded by European Union through Christian Aid, Bangladesh. April 2015-March 2018.
- “Combating Discrimination against Indigenous Peoples”, funded by Christian Aid, Bangladesh. March 2014 – February 2017.
- “Building Capacities on Indigenous and Tribal People’ Issues in Bangladesh: Rights and Good Practices” Funded by ILO. 2009-2013
Action Research Projects
Major Researches/Studies
- “Significance and importance of education movement of 1962” (Ongoing) commissioned by Jatiya
Muktijoddha Council, Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, Govt. of Bangladesh. - Endline Study on “Child Bride to Bookworm (Christmas Calendar 2019), Reducing School Dropout
in Urban Slums of Bangladesh” (Ongoing) supported By Plan International, August 2023 – Till
date. - “Language Movement of 1952: Context Analysis and Assessment of the Role of Bangabandhu”
(ongoing) commissioned by Jatiya Muktijoddha Council, Ministry of Liberation War Affairs, Govt. of
Bangladesh. - “Institutional Development of Centre for Development Innovation and Practices (CDIP): An
Investigative Research”(Ongoing), sponsored by CDIP - “Liberation War of Bangladesh: Sector 2 and Sector 11”, commissioned by Ministry of Liberation War
Affairs, Govt. of Bangladesh, March-June 2023 - “Youth Scoping Study” funded by CARE Bangladesh August-October 2022
- Study on “Social Tolerance among the Youth of Bangladesh: Understanding the Thought Processes
and Factors Affecting the Social Tolerance ”. Supported by BRAC & UNDP, 2022. - External Evaluation for “Strengthening the Role of NGOs and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for People Cantered and Sustainable Development continuation” Funded by Association of Development Agencies in Bangladesh (ADAB), June 2021- August 2021.
- Baseline Study on “Child Bride to Bookworm (Christmas Calendar 2019), Reducing School Dropout in Urban Slums of Bangladesh” supported By Plan International, March 2021 – May 2021.
- Baseline Survey on Gender-Responsive Education and Skills Program in Chittagong Hill Tracts supported By BRAC / Global Affairs Canada (GAC), September – October 2020
- Partnership for Impact Guide (field research and literature review) and training to CSOs commissioned by PLATFORMS FOR DIALOGUE (P4D)-Strengthening Inclusion and Participation in Decision Making and Accountability Mechanism in Bangladesh, funded by British Council/European Union, September 2019 – June 2020
- Context Study Baseline -Platforms for Dialogue (P4D): Strengthening Inclusion and Participation in decision-Making and Accountability Mechanisms in Bangladesh. Supported by British Council, Funded by EUD. Dec 2017 – May 2018
- Evaluation Study on “Promoting the rights of Older People and Influencing Policy through Cultural Campaigning and Media Work Project (DCI-HUM-2013/311-821)”-February-April 2017, Supported by Help Age International Bangladesh. Funded by European Union.
- Evaluation Study on “Integrated Community Development Project (ICDP)-Gazipur”- November- December 2016, Supported by CARITAS.
- Evaluation Study on “Research & Synthesis of Social Safety Net Programme (SSNP) standards in Bangladesh” – July- September 2016, Supported by World Vision.
- Research on “National Dalit Survey” – May-July 2016, Supported by Christian Aid.
- Research on “Present health and educational situation of Dalit women regarding CEDAW Charter” – April 2015, Supported by National Human Rights Commission.
- Research on “Land Alienation Process of the Indigenous Peoples of North-West Bangladesh: The Case of Nachole” September 2014 Supported by Christian Aid.
- Evaluation on “Early Childhood Education Project (ECEP)” May 2014, Supported by Save the Children.
- Research on “Base-Line and Perception Survey on Electoral Process”, January 2014, Supported by Asia Foundation.
- Research on “Perception Study on Women Empowerment, Maternal Health, Education and Agriculture” September- November 2013, Supported by BNPS.
- Research on “Exploring Synergy between Local Government (Union Parishad) Act 2009 and Customary Practices of Ethnic Minority Communities in Bangladesh’’ June to October2013, Supported by VSO in association with NILG.
- Evaluation Study on “Making Education Gender Responsive and Preventive to HIV/AIDS –Phase 2″, Sep to Dec 2012, Supported by BNPS.
- Study on “School Drop-out of Girls and Reproductive & Maternal Health Services: Status and Local Needs in Selected Electoral Constituencies”, April-June 2012, Supported by BNPS.
- Research on “Coherence between Customary Practices of Selected Marginal Ethnicities and Formal Governance System in Chittagong Hill Tracts and North-West Bangladesh”, Dec 2011 to April 2012, Supported by VSO in association with NILG.
- Research on “Mapping of Multi-lingual Education in Bangladesh”, Oct-Dec 2011[Final Submission May 2012], Supported by UNESCO.
- Research on “End line Survey of Amader School Project (ASP)”, Oct-Nov 2011, Supported by Concern Worldwide.
- Research on “Assessment of supplementary materials of BRAC Education for Ethnic Children (EEC)”, Sep 2011, Supported by BRAC.
- Study on “Oral Literature of Indigenous Community” June 2011, Supported by Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy.
- Research on “Facilitation for Impact Assessment on Life Skills and Education for Adolescent Development”, Jan- March 2011, Supported by USC Canada-Bangladesh.
- Study on “Lawsuits in Madhupur Forest”, Apr-Oct 2010, for Oxfam.
- Study on “Ethnographic Profile of Indigenous Communities”, March 2009, Supported by Oxfam GB.
- Study on “Project Assessment of 8 Partner Organizations of IPCBP Oxfam-GB – Assessment of Anogroshor Gono Unnayan Prokolpo (AGUP)”, October 08 – February 2009, Supported by Oxfam – GB
- “Exploring the Challenges and Potentials of UP Standing Committees: A Case Study on Local Governance in Bangladesh”, March 2008.
- “Adivasi Perception on Fish / Aquaculture and Aquaculture Related Activities – A Socio-Cultural and Anthropological Study of Adivasis in the Northern and North-West Region of Bangladesh”, 2007-08, Supported by BFRF
- Research on “Budget and Adivasis – ADP allocation for the Adivasis: A Macro analyses”, 2008, Supported by Oxfam GB.
- Research on “Poverty Profile of Dalits in Bangladesh”, 2007, Supported by ManusherJonno Foundation,
- Research on “Marginalization Process of the Adivasis. In Northwestern Bangladesh Obstacles to Main Streaming through Empowerment”, 2007, Supported by CARITAS.
- Research on “Constitutional Recognition of Indigenous Communities: National and International Dimensions”, 2006, Supported by ActionAid Bangladesh.
- Research on “Situational Analysis of Agricultural Labor Wages in Selected Areas of Bangladesh”, 2005, Supported by ActionAid Bangladesh.
- Research on “Feasibility Study of Bilingual Education Project for Garo, Santal and Chakma Communities”, 2004-05, Supported by BRAC Education Program,
- Research on “Comparative Study between L1 User and Bangla User Learners in Preparatory Phase”, 2004, Supported by BRAC Education Program.
- Research on “Education and Language Needs of the Indigenous Peoples in Bangladesh”, 2003-04, Supported by BRAC Education Program.
- Study on “Private Sector Capacity & Involvement in Water Supply”, 2003-04, Supported by NGO Forum for Drinking Water Supply & Sanitation.
- Research on “VDC and WDC in the Local Power Structure: Present Situation and Future Outlook”, 2003, Supported by DASCOH.
- Research on “Assessing Major Development Needs of Santals in Bangladesh”, 2003, Supported by Royal Norwegian Embassy and Santal Mission Norwegian Board (SMNB).
- Research on “Micro-Finance in Chittagong Hill Tracts”, 2003, Supported by AusAid.
- Research on “Emergence of Regional Council and Hill District Councils in Chittagong Hill Tracts and its Implications”, 2002, Supported by PROSHIKA.
- Research on “Histories of Unprotected Labor Processes in South Asia: A Karachi- Calcutta-Dhaka linkage”, 2001-02, Supported by SEPHIS, International Institute of Social Studies, Amsterdam.
- Research on “Evaluation Report on Small Farmers and Landless Laborers Development Project”, 2001, Supported by United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and UNDP.
- Research on “Resource Use by Ethnic Communities in the Coastal Zone”, 2001, Supported by Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).
- Baseline Survey on “Indigenous Peoples of Northwest Bangladesh”, 2000, Supported by RDRS.
- Research on “Reaching the Poorest of the Poor: Revising NGO Approaches and Strategies”, 1998-1999, Supported by Caritas, Bangladesh.
- Research on “Impact on Shrimp Farming on Soil and Water Quality of Some Selected Areas in the Greater Khulna District”, 1996-98, Supported by Nijera Kori and PROSHIKA.